On the 14 February 2018 a painful news hear we all, whose crashes and heart broke of Indian citizen, Pakistan occupied ISI and Jaish E Mohammad The Globally banned terrorist group cowardly attack on CRPF , while they are going to joining the newly duty in Kashmir valley near the Awantipiora, Pullwama. At least more than 40 CRPF personal Martyrs in this attack .
After this coward attacked by the ISI occupied Globally banned terrorist group Jaish E Mohammad Indian people have very angry against this attack and they wanted teach the lesson to the Pakistan and whose done this attack.
Every Indian with the Indian Government and help they Martyr's Family by the various way e.g. Donate fund from Indian's from heart and self wishes.
Indian Government Home ministry move on the way to collect the fund for Martyrs family by online and build the website, where anyone who can donate the fund for be strong Indian Army to fight the terror and whose occupied these kind activities against INDIA.
We appeal everyone whose belong India and other side native of India and NRI whose read this message now. Please donate and help to better and strong India.
Donate Now use this link

You can donate directly to individual braveheart's account (upto max of Rs 15 lakhs)
For Donations use only government authorize method to make payment to Martyrs family.
Warning : Please beware from fraudster whose are very active and the make appeal to donate for Pulwama Martyrs family support. They sent the emotional SMS, email and through Social Media e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and, Whats app, we chat, Telegram and use the many more social platform. Please aware about these kind of SMS, Email and Whats app Msg too. Don’t click unknown link, source and some other kind of source of message whose are not verified. Don’t use the site which have no Valid https: SSL certificate for payment gateway. Use the only SSL certified website or payment gateway, Otherwise your phone, computer and other kind of device may be hack and steal your money and data and your personal information, such as your name, date of birth, PIN, Adhaar card detail, PAN, Bank Account Details etc.
Use the INDIAN Government Certified Payment Gateway for Any kind of Donation.
Appeal from Silver Screen : we appeal to every one whose concern from Indian community, please donate as soon as possible from your hardly income to Martyrs family, Your 1 Rupee also a big amount for establishment and become again strong India and help to fight terror and teach a lesson to coward attackers whose attack into back on our brave CRPF personnel.
We want to show to world and coward we are not stop and blow and will never, we are more strong then yesterday and our heat and mind full fill with "JOSH".

"मेरा भारत ज़िंदाबाद था, है और हमेशा रहेगा "
**Jai Hind, Jai Bharat**
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