We are glad to introduce you our platform for monetizing your traffic. You can become a part of our network and earn money by showing our ads.
The Sign-up and integration process is pretty simple but let’s review it step by step.

1) Sign up to create your PropellerAds Publisher account

The sign up process is simple and 100% free of charge. Visit our sign up page, choose what type of account you would like to create (Individual account or Company account) and fill in the registration form.
Contact information section:
  • Email – you must enter a valid email address, where we will send an activation link so that you can complete the registration.
  • Phone - your mobile phone number
  • Messenger / Nickname in messenger – your nickname in Skype, ICQ or QQ messenger (put N/A if you don't have one)
  • Website – URL of your active website
Please make sure that you have read our Terms, then click on “Sign Up
You will receive an e-mail with the profile activation link. Just click on it and your e-mail address will be connected to your PropellerAds account.
In order to complete registration you will need to create and confirm a password you are going to use for entering your account.

Please note that the security of personal data, logins and passwords is a user’s responsibility. That is why we kindly ask you to create a strong password.

2) Log into the Publisher Administration Panel.

Now when the registration is complete you can log into your PropellerAds Publisher Panel using your email and password.
There is no need to worry if you forget your password as you are always able to reset it ( just click the "Forgot password?" button and follow the instructions).

3) Add and verify your website(s)

To begin serving ads and start earning, you need to add your website(s) to our system and choose the AD format(s) you want to display on your website.
Click on the Sites section and choose the "Add site” option, then enter your website domain name and click “Add site”.

In order to verify your website, please copy provided code and paste into the source code of the main page of your site below the <head> tag.
Alternatively, you can upload our verification HTML file to the root of your website.
Once you've added the tag to your source code (or the HTML file has been uploaded), click "Verify".

4) Create Ad Channels

Once your website is verified you need to create an Ad Channel by clicking on the “Create zone” button.
Enter a name for your Ad Zone and choose the type of Ad Zone you want to create (Onclick (Popunder), Native Direct Ads, Push Up (Dialog Ads), Interstitial, Banner) and click "Create zone".
Then you just have to grab the code for your Ad Zone.


5) Paste the ad channel tag on your website.

Place the HTML in the source code of your website pages.
Please note that the ad script placement in the source code of your website is really important as far as it influences your ad opening and your results. It should be placed in the <body> of your website and the higher the code placement is the better your results are. Please note that placing the ad code lower than the <body> section might lead you to incorrect ad performance.
a) For Popunder ADs, the code must be placed right after the <body> tag.
b) For Mobile ADs (Push up and Interstitial), the code must be placed right after the <body> tag of your pages.

And then you have it!
 After you've pasted the "Channel Tag" ads will automatically start to show on your website and generate income.
 You can add up to 10 channels for every website.
The intelligent algorithm of PropellerAds and our optimizing team are always working on your website seeking for the best fitting ads to increase your rates. Please note that it can take 3-7 days to get the best results.
 We wish you all the best, dear Publisher!

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